
Passagiere müssten doppelt so hohe Entschädigungen bekommen

WELT, 08.02.2024

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ntv, 17.04.2024

BGH stärkt Rechte von Fluggästen

FAZ, 06.06.2024

Urlaub: Flightright warnt vor Flughafenchaos

NDR, 26.06.2024

Client story

Flightright is the leading portal for air passenger rights in Germany and helps air travelers to assert their claims for compensation in the event of delays, cancellations or overbooking. With a digital, uncomplicated solution, the company ensures that consumers can assert their rights against airlines without much effort. CEO Jan-Frederik Arnold, a pioneer in the legal tech sector, is driving Flightright's mission to revolutionize law enforcement for air travelers and facilitate access to compensation.


  • Expand expert status
  • Increase awareness
  • Raise awareness of consumer rights and technology-based legal advice
  • Expand status as a thought leader

Strategy / Actions

  • Expert interviews, especially in major business and GI media, to build expert status and thought leadership 
  • Placement of rankings and data stories in major news outlets to increase awareness
  • Placing guides and consumer tips to raise awareness of consumer rights

Latest results

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Tim Blumenstein

Sr. PR Manager & Teamlead

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