Cannamedical plant Börsengang – Umsatzschub durch Legalisierung
Handelsblatt, 01.10.2023
Dieser Job ist ein echtes HIGHlight
BILD, 12.07.2023
Wird Cannabis das neue Ibu 600?
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 03.11.2023
» getpress has been supporting us with PR since February 2023. Since then, we have been able to gain the desired media reach with our technical expertise in the field of medical cannabis. We have been able to take a stand and raise awareness on TV, radio, online and print media, particularly in the context of far-reaching political decisions. One highlight of the collaboration was a report on our planned IPO in the Handelsblatt. «
Patrick Piecha, Director Marketing & Communication at Cannamedical Pharma GmbH
The idea had a family origin: his grandmother, who suffered from rheumatism and had side effects from taking oxycodone, was able to sleep much more pain-free by taking cannabis orally. In pioneering work, he decided in 2016 - long before medical cannabis was legalized - to dedicate himself to the fight against the stigmatized drug. With a market share of 25 percent, Cannamedical leads the German cannabis industry. The aim is to help people with chronic illnesses, especially pain patients, by importing and processing high-quality medicinal cannabis products. The focus is on medical care and improving the quality of life through many years of experience with medicinal cannabis. In addition, the company supports the further education of doctors, health care professionals and pharmacists to deepen their understanding of medical cannabis.
Melissa Wagner
Sr. PR Manager & Teamlead
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