The new
way for PR.



From Founders for Founders

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Shaping the stories of tomorrow


Wir lieben Journalist*innen und Journalist*innen lieben uns! Pressearbeit ist die absolute Superpower von getpress. Wir verfügen über ein sorgfältig kuratiertes Netzwerk aus Top Journalist*innen, passend für jede Branche.

Personal Branding

Bei der CEO Positionierung dreht sich alles darum, deine Brand zu stärken und auf allen Kanälen strahlen zu lassen. Unsere Brand Expert*innen beraten dich zu deiner Positionierung, deinen Themen Profilen und deinem Expert*innenstatus. Gemeinsam formen wir strategisch deine Identität und arbeiten eine starke und einheitliche Kommunikation heraus.

Projekt PR

Ihr habt eine starke Funding News, einen spannenden Launch oder wollt eine Studie veröffentlichen? Unser Team steht projektbegleitend an eurer Seite und sorgt für den richtigen PR Wirbel auf allen relevanten Kanälen, von Medienberichterstattung bis Social Media.

Strategie & Positionierung

Um euch am effektivsten bei der Erreichung eurer Unternehmensziele zu unterstützen, setzen wir auf langfristige Partnerschaften. Wir erstellen für euer Wachstum eine individuelle Kommunikationsstrategie – basierend auf einer Markt, Medien- und Konkurrenzanalyse und leiten passende Maßnahmen und Storylines ab. So verankern wir euch als Thought Leader in euren Zielmedien und sorgen für einheitliche Kommunikation über eure Kanäle hinweg.

Brand promises




doesn’t bullshit.

sets the bar.

We deliver 100% results - as promised. Traditional agencies don't like goals. We do. That's why we set clear KPIs and walk the extra mile to bring our clients into the eye of the public.

We think and build PR entrepreneurially - lean, transparent and close to your team. We don't charge by the hour, but deliver clear results. You won't get a 40-page PR strategy or a press event from us if it doesn't pay into your goals.

Specialization brings the best results. That's why we are not a one for all agency. We strategically build the best stories to bring brands & personalities across Europe the visibility they need. In recent years, we have dissected and streamlined all PR processes to reduce them to their essentials.



PR experts all over europe



disruptive ideas told




Clients NPS





Individual packaging.
Transparent and output-driven.


PR package with focus on media approach

Expected Outcome
from 6 appearances/quarter+ basic noise

Fixed PR Team  (2)

Quarterly Communications planning

Bi-Weekly Jour Fixe

Monthly Reporting

Slack, Email & Telefon

€ 6.5 K


plus one-time kickoff fee


PR package for more outcome and strategy

Expected Outcome
from 6 appearances/quarter+ basic noise

Fixed PR Team  (3)

Quarterly Communications planning

Bi-Weekly Jour Fixe

Monthly Reporting

Slack, Email & Telefon


Content Creation

International PR

LinkedIn &Twitter



Presse-Kit & Pressefotos

Speaker Opps

Strategie & Positionierung

+ Additional services possible

€ 8 K


plus one-time kickoff fee


Extensive PR support

Expected Outcome
from 8 appearances/quarter+ basic noise

Fixed PR Team (4)

Quarterly Communications planning

Bi-Weekly Jour Fixe

Monthly Reporting

Slack, Email & Telefon


Content Creation

International PR

LinkedIn &Twitter



Presse-Kit & Pressefotos

Speaker Opps

Strategie & Positionierung

+ Additional services possible

on request

contact now

In times of change, don’t rely on yesterday’s PR to shape the stories of tomorrow.


»I have been working with getpress for 12 years. I don't know anyone who thinks PR smarter and performs better than them.«

Mario Kohle

Founder of the solar unicorn Enpal

»getpress has consistently secured major media coverage for us, going beyond mere mentions and securing impactful portraits, interviews, and more. Their support was instrumental in strengthening our thought leadership in the mental health field. We greatly appreciate their efforts.«

Nora Blum

Co-Founder of Selfapy

»When we expanded to Germany with Peakon, we tried out several agencies. But only getpress managed to place us in all the major media and trigger a real domino effect.«

Kasper Hulthin

Founder of the engagement platform Peakon

»When we started with share, getpress helped us to publicize our idea throughout Germany in all media. We are very satisfied.«

Sebastian Stricker

Founder of the social food brand share

»The collaboration with getpress was very effective right from the start. After we defined goals and KPIs together, the team worked like an extended arm of SHS and was able to achieve good results after just a few weeks. In addition to the professional briefings for the interviews, I was particularly impressed by the strong network behind getpress, which often led to the placements in the media that we had defined as targets in advance.«

Dr. Cornelius Maas

Partner at SHS Capital

«I highly appreciate our cooperation with getpress. It is shaped by professional expertise, teamwork on eye level and the courage to try bold new ideas. The fact that the team was prepared to dig deeply into the details of our business model from day one was essential for our PR success with HUK Autoservice, the digital car maintenance service by HUK Autowelt.»

Robert Pimpl

Head of Marketing at HUK-COBURG Autowelt GmbH

We dare to disrupt.

Since 2017, it has been our mission to bring light into the darkness of the PR world. We make PR transparent, measurable and output driven. We believe that entrepreneurship can solve problems. That's why we think PR entrepreneurially and consistently develop getpress. Standing still makes us restless. We are here to push innovation and progress in Europe.

We are the future of PR.

contact now


What exactly does ‘The New Way for PR’ mean?

Our founders Max and Sebastian have never seen a PR agency from the inside - they come from the start-up world. There they have repeatedly noticed: many entrepreneurs want and urgently need the public platform. But they have burnt their fingers on classic agency work.

getpress was founded as an alternative: PR without bullshit. Transparent and KPI-driven. Our concept didn’t exist before - but yes, it’s possible. 

Do you only do press work or also social media and events?

We are experts in press relations and everything that goes with it. In addition to PR strategy and placement in the media relevant to you, we also offer interview training, content creation (e.g. for guest articles and blog posts) or the management of your LinkedIn profile.

What happens if you don’t achieve the promised publications?

We don’t charge by the hour, but agree on a fixed outcome per quarter and define the target media list together.

You can measure us against these targets. If we don’t accomplish publications on time, we will deliver them later. That is our Brand Promise Guarantee.

Do you also do international PR?

Our core markets are Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but with the additional package ‘International PR’ we can also address industry-relevant English-speaking media for you.

In which industry do you specialize in?

Over the last 6 years, we have advised companies from a wide range of industries. We are most often active in the tech, energy, health & food sectors.

If you filter by your industry in ‘Latest Results’, you’ll see a selection of the articles, interviews and TV appearances we’ve collected.

Latest results

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One-time PR service

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